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Scopewire LKSG ESG Nachhaltigkeit


Your partner for LkSG, ESG and sustainability

Smart solutions for complex tasks

In today's business world, companies are increasingly faced with complex regulatory requirements that require accurate and efficient reporting. At Scopewire, we specialize in developing innovative cloud solutions that meet precisely these challenges.

Our scalable solutions focus on various areas such as reporting under the Supply Chain Act (LkSG), ESG sustainability reports, requirements for CBAM, REACH&RoHS, and the Deforestation Ordinance. Medium-sized companies in particular benefit from our expertise and our tailor-made solutions that are cost-effective, intuitive and secure.

modern, intuitive, process-oriented

Discover Scopewire's solutions, which were developed specifically for medium-sized companies. With modern web interfaces and intuitive operation, our solutions adapt seamlessly to your process-oriented work behavior. Experience efficiency and user-friendliness at its best - with Scopewire you can effortlessly master every challenge of current reporting requirements.


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Scopewire Lieferkettengesetz

E-Learning für LkSG, HinSchG Scopewire

Future Learning:
The learning app for your employees is here!

Scopewire proudly presents our latest innovation: a learning app based on DayOff technology that was specially developed for efficient employee training. Our app offers predefined training courses on legally required topics such as the Supply Chain Act and whistleblower protection. Companies can now book these courses as a monthly service for their employees.

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Scopewire in numbers:

2021 founded
36 Number of customers
45 Projects
18 Completed
ISO certifications

Our partners

At Scopewire, we value the strength of our partner ecosystem and are passionate about working with our partners to create innovative and customized solutions together.

Customer testimonials:

"The introduction of whistleblower protection according to our specifications at Lebenshilfe Offenburg and the Albert-Schweitzer-Werkstätten (ASW + W gGmbH) as well as the inclusion company iD gGmbH was simple, efficient and intuitive. A main argument for the Scopewire solution was the support of multilingualism, a must for us in the Strasbourg region close to the border. In addition to these advantages, it was above all the data and system security as well as the cost transparency that convinced us."
Lebenshilfe Offenburg Achim Feyhl
Achim W. FeyhlChairman of the Board of Lebenshilfe Offenburg-Oberkirch e.V.
"Introducing Scopewire's whistleblower protection at Melanis GmbH was an excellent decision. The system allows our employees to raise concerns safely and anonymously. The implementation went smoothly and Scopewire's support team was extremely helpful. Our employees now feel safer and are more willing to report grievances. I recommend Scopewire's solution for a transparent and trusting corporate culture."
Jasmin Bodes Melanis
Jasmin BodesAuthorized signatory at Melanis GmbH

Our company history

  • Scopewire Firmengeschichte

    2021 - Founding of Scopewire

    Scopewire Data GmbH was founded in October 2021 and officially opened its office in Lichtenau in May 2022 with a very well attended opening ceremony.
  • Scopewire Firmengeschichte

    May 2022 - State Secretary Christoph Dammermann at Scopewire

    In May 2022, State Secretary Christoph Dammermann from the Ministry of Economic Affairs of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia visited Scopewire Data GmbH in Lichtenau and offered his personal support.
  • Hochschule Emden Leer mit Scopewire

    August 2022 - Start of the research project with Emden-Leer University of Applied Sciences

    Scopewire and the Emden-Leer University of Applied Sciences have jointly carried out the research project "Necessary information/data for the realization of a sustainability report in accordance with CSRD and EU Taxonomy Regulation". Special thanks go to Prof. Henkel and Prof. Schwarz. The results of this project form the basis for the Scopewire cloud service for sustainability (completed in spring 2023)
  • Scopewire Firmengeschichte

    April 2023 - Premiere at the Hannover Messe: LkSG reports made easy

    At the Hannover Messe 2023, Scopewire presented its cloud solution for the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG) for the first time and immediately won its first customers. A great success.

  • Scopewire Firmengeschichte

    July 2023 - Scopewire at the Oberkirch Economic Forum

    Huge crowds at the Oberkirch Economic Forum: The topics of sustainability reports and supply chain law are on everyone's lips. We are pleased to have successfully concluded the deal with Lebenshilfe Offenburg-Oberkirch and the Albert Schweitzer Workshops.

  • Scopewire Firmengeschichte

    April 2024 - Presentation of the sustainability portal at the Hannover Messe

    Together with our partner Beceptum, we were able to present trade fair visitors with a comprehensive range of sustainability reports and the latest products relating to the Supply Chain Act. Highlight: Scopewire services are now available in 24 languages.

We look forward to your questions and suggestions

Our office:

Lichtenau near Paderborn
Leihbühl 21
33165 Lichtenau, Germany