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Single Sign On und Identity Access Managment System
Michael Kolb12.09.20241 min read


Single sign-on and IAM with Scopewire | Scopewire

New Identity and Access Management module (IAM) with Single Sign-On (SSO)


We are pleased to announce a significant enhancement to our software solution: the Scopewire IAM module with Single Sign-On (SSO) functionality. This new functionality has been developed to optimize your user experience and simplify the management of access data.

What is Single Sign-On (SSO)?

  1. SSO allows users to seamlessly verify their identity across different platforms and access resources.
  2. Instead of logging in to each application separately, with SSO users use a single set of credentials to access all authorized resources.
  3. A central identity provider (IdP) stores and manages user credentials.

Advantages of the SSO function of the Scopewire IAM module:

  1. Increased security: By reducing the number of credentials users need to manage, SSO reduces the risk of password theft and misuse. Administrators can also apply centralized security policies.
  2. Improved user experience: Users only need to log in once to access all the applications they need. This saves time and reduces the frustration of repeated login processes.
  3. Easy management: IT administrators can centrally manage user access, making it much easier to manage permissions and enforce security policies.
  4. Cost efficiency: Fewer password recovery requests and simplified user management lead to a reduction in IT costs.

The integration of the module:

Our IAM module is seamlessly integrated into our existing cloud solution and supports a variety of authentication protocols, including SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language) and OAuth. This ensures high compatibility with most common enterprise applications and services.

Support service:

Our team is always available to help you with the implementation and configuration of the SSO module. We also offer training to ensure that you can exploit the full potential of the cloud solution.