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Risk management in times of the Chinese CSCS
Holm Egerland10.09.20248 min read

Risk management in times of the Chinese CSCS: strategies for companies

Risk management in times of the Chinese CSCS | Scopewire

The Chinese CSCS can pose major challenges for German companies. Find out in this blog post how you can adapt your risk management to successfully protect yourself against the effects of the Chinese credit rating system.

China collects data:
The Chinese CSCS - what entrepreneurs need to know

The Chinese CSCS (Corporate Social Credit System) is a key tool used by the Chinese government to collect data on companies. It is a key component of the comprehensive social credit rating system, known as the Social Credit System (SCS), which was implemented nationwide by the end of 2020. The CSCS plays a crucial role in the evaluation and monitoring of companies in China.

As early as 2014, the Chinese government published plans to introduce a data-based Corporate Social Credit System (CSCS). In this system, companies are evaluated based on a variety of criteria, including creditworthiness and adherence to various compliance regulations. These ratings have a direct impact on companies' business activities and reputation.

The CSCS collects extensive data on companies and assesses them against specific criteria to determine their creditworthiness and trustworthiness. A positive score can bring significant benefits for companies, such as preferential access to credit, easier market 

This is a challenge for the 5,000 or so German companies operating in China - as well as for companies that have Chinese investors. A poor score from a Chinese partner can pose significant risks to the entire supply chain and potentially have a negative impact on business. Therefore, German companies should take proactive measures to ensure compliance with the relevant regulations and carefully select their business partners.

Implementing strict compliance programs, regular audits and training employees on local regulations are essential to minimize the risks. Transparent and honest communication with Chinese partners and authorities can help to build trust and avoid misunderstandings.

The Chinese CSCS represents a significant challenge for companies, but also an opportunity. Companies that understand and comply with the rules can not only minimize risks but also reap the benefits of a good score. By continuously monitoring their business activities and adapting to the evolving regulations, German companies can operate successfully in China and take advantage of the opportunities offered by this huge market.access and participation in public tenders. On the other hand, low scores can lead to significant restrictions, including sanctions and a negative impact on business activities.

In November 2022, a draft was presented that provides a more detailed picture of the CSCS. Since January 2023, a list of disciplinary measures for companies with low ratings has been in force. These measures may include sanctions such as restricted access to financing, exclusion from public tenders and increased regulatory supervision. Further laws and regulations on China's rating system are expected, which will further increase the importance of compliance for foreign companies.

Background information on the Chinese CSCS

The Chinese CSCS (Corporate Social Credit System) is a centralized rating system introduced by the Chinese government to assess the creditworthiness and trustworthiness of companies. But how exactly does this system work?

The CSCS collects data from a variety of sources, including financial transactions, social behavior and legal records. These sources include lending, tax returns, labor laws, environmental regulations and more. The data collected provides a comprehensive insight into a company's business practices and behavior.

The collected data is then analyzed and evaluated by specialized algorithms. These algorithms take into account a variety of criteria to paint a comprehensive picture of a company's creditworthiness and trustworthiness. These criteria include, for example, the punctuality of payments, compliance with laws and regulations, environmental protection measures and social commitment.

Based on the analysis of the data, each company is assigned a score. This score reflects the creditworthiness and trustworthiness of the company. Companies that adhere to the rules and demonstrate positive behavior receive higher scores, while violations can lead to lower scores.

The score assigned to a company has a direct impact on its business activities. A high score can offer advantages such as preferential access to financing, more favorable credit terms and an improved market reputation. A low score, on the other hand, can lead to restrictions such as limited access to credit, increased financing costs and a negative image.

The Chinese CSCS is a complex system that assesses the creditworthiness and trustworthiness of companies and has an impact on their business activities. By analyzing and evaluating data from various sources, it provides the Chinese authorities with insights into the behavior and practices of companies. Companies that abide by the rules and demonstrate positive behavior can benefit from advantages, while violations can lead to negative consequences. It is therefore crucial for companies operating in China to familiarize themselves with the requirements of the CSCS and ensure that they adhere to the required standards to maintain their creditworthiness and trustworthiness.

Of red and black lists

The Chinese Corporate Social Credit System (CSCS) is a tool that monitors and evaluates the business activities of companies in China. A central part of this system are the "red" and "black" lists, which reflect the creditworthiness and trustworthiness of companies.

The red lists contain companies that have distinguished themselves through positive behavior. These include, for example, companies that meet their financial obligations on time, comply with laws and regulations, and demonstrate social responsibility. An entry in the red list can mean benefits for companies such as preferential access to credit, simplified administrative procedures, and an improved reputation.

In contrast, the black lists contain companies that have attracted attention through negative behavior. This includes violations of laws and regulations, late payments, fraud, and other unethical or illegal acts. An entry in the black list can lead to restrictions such as limited access to credit, loss of business licenses, and other sanctions.

The information from the red and black lists is published on the Internet to ensure transparency and to inform other companies, consumers, and authorities about the behavior of companies. An accessible website where these lists are available is This website allows Chinese companies and consumers to obtain information about the creditworthiness and trustworthiness of companies and make decisions about business relationships.

The red and black lists have a significant impact on how companies do business in China. A positive entry in the red list can provide companies with benefits and support their business growth, while a negative entry in the black list can lead to severe restrictions and sanctions. Therefore, it is crucial for companies to be aware of the requirements of the CSCS and ensure that they meet the required standards in order to receive positive ratings and avoid negative consequences.

Overall, the red and black lists play an important role in China's CSCS and help promote the integrity and trustworthiness of the business environment in China. By encouraging companies to comply with laws and regulations and act ethically, they support the creation of a transparent and responsible economic system. Furthermore, it should be noted that in connection with the collection of data by German companies under the German Supply Chain Act, there were also reportedly inquiries from Chinese authorities that were accompanied by threats of sanctions.

Risk minimization measures

Companies operating in China or having business relationships with Chinese partners face the challenges of the Chinese Corporate Social Credit System (CSCS). This system, which assesses the creditworthiness and trustworthiness of companies, can have a significant impact on their business operations. To avoid sanctions related to the CSCS, it is crucial for companies to take proactive measures to minimize risk.

One of the most important measures is to implement compliance programs to ensure that all relevant laws and regulations in China are complied with. Regular internal and external audits should be carried out to ensure that all business practices comply with requirements. Employees should be informed about the importance of the CSCS as well as local regulations and best practices to ensure adequate training.

In addition, transparent communication with Chinese partners and authorities is crucial. Open and honest communication can help avoid misunderstandings and build trust.

Scopewire and its partners offer outtasking options to help German companies minimize risk. Outtasking can eliminate potential risks associated with competing rating systems while ensuring compliance and successful business relationships in China.

Overall, it is essential for German companies to be aware of the importance of the CSCS and take appropriate measures to comply with the regulations and avoid potential sanctions. By proactively managing risk, they can strengthen their position in the Chinese market and ensure long-term success.


The Chinese Corporate Social Credit System (CSCS) is an important government tool for collecting data on companies. It is a central component of the comprehensive social credit rating system that is to be introduced nationwide by the end of 2020. The CSCS evaluates and monitors companies in China based on various criteria.

Since 2014, the Chinese government has been planning to introduce a data-based Corporate Social Credit System (CSCS), in which companies are rated based on various criteria such as creditworthiness and compliance with compliance regulations.

The CSCS collects extensive data on companies and rates them to determine their creditworthiness and trustworthiness. These ratings have a direct impact on the companies' business operations and reputation. A positive score can offer benefits such as preferential access to credit, while a negative score can lead to restrictions and sanctions.

In November 2022, a draft was presented that provides a more accurate picture of the CSCS. Since January 2023, a list of disciplinary measures for companies with low ratings has been in effect. These measures may include sanctions such as restricted access to financing and increased regulatory scrutiny.

For companies operating in China or having Chinese investors, the CSCS poses a challenge. A poor score from a Chinese partner can pose significant risks to the entire supply chain. Therefore, German companies should take proactive measures to ensure compliance and carefully select their business partners.

Scopewire and its partners offer outtasking options to help German companies minimize risk. Outtasking can eliminate potential risks associated with competing rating systems while ensuring compliance and the successful formation of business relationships in China.

Overall, it is essential for German companies to be aware of the importance of the CSCS and take appropriate compliance measures to avoid potential sanctions and ensure long-term success in the Chinese market.