Fachartikel | Scopewire


Written by Rechtsanwalt Holger Hembach | 10.09.2024


The ILO-core-labor-standards are an important point of reference for the human rights due diligence of companies. According to the UN Guiding Principles, companies should respect internationally recognized human rights. The UN Guiding Principles include the ILO core labor standards.

The LkSG (Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz) obliges companies to protect international human rights. It specifies what these are by referring to the annex to the LkSG. The ILO core labor standards are listed there.

The CSDDD (European Supply Chain Directive) also contains a commitment to the ILO core labor standards. Many companies therefore include a commitment to the ILO core labor standards in their declaration of principles.

In this video, lawyer Holger Hembach briefly explains what the ILO core principles are.